Does anyone actually read my blog?

Your friends and family keep you on your toes and often unwittingly provide great fodder for blog posts! They also cause a scattered examination of conscience. Two recent questions about my blogging ( I have a painting blog and a home decorating blog) got me thinking about my purpose and audience, and the time I invest in this activity. This post is about Designing Home blog Audience I am happy to report that people do indeed read Designing Home blog. Since I began it almost three years ago, I've had over .25 million page views. That surprised even me because I originally began to write this blog with a local audience in mind. I couldn't be further from the mark. My readership is 6 times larger in the United States than Canada. Canada, Great Britian, Australia and Germany are almost tied in interest. Only a small percentage of readers are actually from Newfoundland. No doubt it is a global village. Topics I am glad that...