Reclaimed wood works
Old is good. What is old can be new again with a little ingenuity, and I don't mind admitting that the art side of my brain has lots of that. I think reclaimed wood is beautiful, and this summer I made great finds on the beaches near our summer house. Are you wondering how this connects to decor? Keep reading! Atlantic Ocean beach wood Storm tossed and sea sanded house/shed remnants were dragged home against my better half's judgement. At the time I answered the strong call emitted by these materials, but I didn't know why I needed them. My art often begins with the call of materials rather than with sketches and preconceived notions of a final product. Not a pretty site/sight No this is not the home decor section! Move over hubby, I am taking possessions of your precious workshed and tools. Yep! I know my way around drills, bandsaws, chopsaws and sanders and I discovered construction adhesive will stick most everyt...