Dining room solutions

I n January during a blackout our pipes broke resulting in water damage to a number of rooms in our home. What was a bit of a disaster turned into a positive for me because it finally got me moving to do something about one of my biggest decorating problems. That would be my dining room.... See my complaints in this post . It's quite a list. Too much of a good thing This is how it all looked in early 2000 ..... Wood, wood and more wood Problem lines Wood everywhere isn't the only problem. Note the all the horizontal lines from the buffets to the railing, a light hung too high and a window that has a view of the window next door. Below is my first attempt to solve some of the highlighted problems. A different orientation solves some problems Rearrange and add I liked the changes and that satisfied me for a short time. The new light was a good height and the roundness worked well against all the rectangles. ...