Thoughts on choosing dark kitchen cabinets

Questions about the wisdom of choosing dark kitchen cabinets keep cropping up in my reading and client discussions. Of course there are no absolutes in decorating. You can make anything work or look good if you have the skills, and using dark cabinets in any room requires a deft hand. If you want your dark cabinet choice to work and have the longest style staying power, consider the following: Let the cabinets shine source When I work with clients who want everything that they consider trendy in one space, I always discuss the wisdom of this approach. Something has to be the star in a space and you should decide in the beginning what the star will be. When you choose dark cabinets they demand centre stage, and everything else should support them and make them look their best. Using lots of white or very light colours with dark cabinets is the way to go to get that sophisticated, rich, classy look that many people ...