My furniture painting secrets

Do you learn the hard way and wish at the end you had checked things out a little more thoroughly? This overconfidence gets me in hot water more times than I would like to admit, but learn I do! I paint furniture frequently. That means lots of experience from too many mistakes. Here's my recipe now. What goes under a paint job is very important especially if you are painting a hard surface like laminate. My best painting tip in these situations is .... My top pick for a bonding primer use STIX bonding primer as a base on just about anything, and then go with the paint of your choice on top of it - my fav is below. With used furniture degrease with TSP or vinegar and do a light sanding with a sanding pad or electric sander. Paint doesn't like grease, and I always feel better if I sand a bit first. No need to overdo it! The Facts on STIX Keep in mind: STIX is not a paint but a primer/sealant, only a thin translucent coat is required;...